Viện Lâm nghiệp và Đa dạng sinh học nhiệt đới

About Us

The Institute for Tropical Biodiversity and Forestry is a non-governmental scientific and technological organization. The Institute’s objective is to make great contributions to biodiversity conservation, environmental protection, protection and development of forest resources and resources in the tropics, especially in Southeast Asia.

The institute is now working with several experts to solve the gaps in biodiversity conservation and Forests management.

Director of the Institute: Prof. Dr. Vu Tien Hinh

Focal areas of the institute:

  1. Nature conservation: Fauna and flora survey and monitoring; Invasive species monitoring and control; Conservation planning; Ecotourism in protected areas, etc.
  2. Forest management: Sustainable forest management;
    Forest certification; Silviculture; PFES.
  3. Climate change: Assessing the effects of climate change on biodiversity and forested ecosystems, especially with quantitative models.
  4. Application of information technology in forest and biodiversity conservation: GIS; Remote sensing; using mobile devices for forest and biodiversity monitoring.
  5. Developing training materials and conducting training courses.